Archived Content
This archived web page remains online for reference, research and recordkeeping purposes only.
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Baird, Bil, and World Education (Organization: U.S.). 1971. Puppets and population. New York: World Education.
Chaîné, Francine. 1981. Ateliers autour de la marionnette. Québec: PPMF-Laval. (Jeu dramatique; Publications/PPMF Laval)
Educational Puppetry Association. 1950-1980. Puppet post. London: Education Puppetry Association.
New York Recreation training school. 1940. A handbook for recreation leader, teacher, layman, with complete detailed instructions for the teaching of the basic course in simplified puppetry: Developed and used at the puppet division of the recreation training school, recreation project, federal works agency, work projects administration for the city of New York. New York: [S.n.].
Ontario, Dept. of Education. Community Programmes Branch. 1953. Puppetry: Leader's handbook. Ontario: The Department.
Ontario. Ministry of Community and Social Services. 1970. Puppetry. Toronto: Sports and Recreation Bureau.
United States. Works Progress Administration (New York, N.Y.). 1937-1900s. Puppet teaching news bulletin.
Wall, Leonard Vernon, George Alfred White, A. R. Philpott, and Educational Puppetry Association. 1965. The puppet book: A practical guide to puppetry in schools, training colleges, and clubs. 2d and extensive revision under the editorship of A.R. Philpott. London: Faber and Faber.
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