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History of Puppetry
in Canada

Association québécoise des marionnettistes

L'Association québécoise des marionnettistes (AQM), established in 1981, works towards the recognition and development of puppetry in Quebec. Given the flowering of puppet theatre in Quebec during the 1970s, when so many companies were formed, the creation of the AQM was the next logical step in meeting the needs of a booming discipline. Over the years, the AQM has offered an ever-widening range of resources to its members, including electronic newsletters, a website, directories of members and publications, thematic seminars, training through specialized workshops, colloquia, and improv games. The AQM also participates in numerous events, such as festivals and exhibitions. In 1986, it was recognized by UNIMA (the Union Internationale de la Marionnette) as the Centre UNIMA-Canada (Quebec branch), which gives it an important profile at the international level. The AQM is set apart by a mandate which not only aims at promoting the art of puppetry, but also at establishing puppetry within the contemporary theatre milieu. In this regard, the AQM also works within organizations aimed at the development of theatre, where it represents the interests of puppetry artists.

Website - Association québécoise des marionnettistes