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History of Puppetry
in Canada

Rosalynde Stearn

Rosalynde Stearn (née Osborne) was a charter member of the Puppeteers of America, and was one of the first Canadian puppeteers to achieve international recognition. After studying with American puppeteer Lillian Owen, she returned to Canada and created the King Cob Marionettes (1923-1943) in Hamilton, Ontario. Using both hand puppets and marionettes, she presented several puppet productions, the most famous being Aristophanes's The Clouds in 1938. This landmark production used a "Greek chorus" composed of her husband's Classics students from McMaster University. Stearn's influence was extended through exhibition of her growing collection of international puppets (now housed at McGill University), and through her writing and lectures.

Adapted from Figuratively Speaking : Puppetry in Ontario by Ken McKay, copyright 1990. Courtesy of the Ontario Puppetry Association and Ken McKay.